:Base ifx.hlp :Title IconFun Express 1 Getting Started 2 What is IconFun Express?=WhatIsIconFunExpress>ref 2 What's new in this release? 3 Version history=WhatsNewInThisRelease>ref 2 System requirements, installation and uninstallation 3 System requirements=SystemRequirements>ref 3 File list=FileList>ref 3 Installation=Installation>ref 3 Uninstallation=Uninstallation>ref 1 How To... 2 Configure a scanning=ConfigureAScanning>howto 2 Start scanning=StartScanning>howto 2 Save icons=SaveIcons>howto 2 Copy icons=CopyIcons>howto 2 Open icons=OpenIcons>howto 2 Log files 3 Report scan results=ReportScanResults>howto 3 View log files=ViewLogFiles>howto 2 Preferences 3 Set save preferences=SetSavePreferences>howto 3 Set report preferences=SetReportPreferences>howto 3 Set misc preferences=SetGeneralPreferences>howto 1 Contact the author=ContactTheAuthor>ref 1 Become a registered user=HowCanIRegister>ref 1 Get program updates=GetProgramUpdates>ref 1 Reference 2 Command line options=CommandLineOptions>ref 1 Licensing and Registration details 2 Licens details 3 Copyright/License/User Agreement/Distribution=CopyrightLicensUserAgreementDistribution>ref 2 Registration details 3 What is registration?=WhatIsRegistration>ref 3 What are the registration benefits?=WhatAreTheRegistrationBenefits>ref 3 How can I register?=HowCanIRegister>ref 3 Pricing=Pricing>ref 3 Registration form=RegistrationForm>ref